Welcome to my Website!
My internet psuedonym's Red Penguin, or just Red. Welcome in to my (tiny, for now) corner of the internet! To quote Mr. Woz...
"It's time to kick back, relax, get your heart rate questionably low, because today [...]"
...and the rest of that quote doesn't quite apply here.
I hope you enjoy scrounging around what I have to offer here. I'm adding bits and pieces to this site whenever, so come back once in a while if you wanna peep it out!
Navigation Station
Come visit The Fun Zone! It's where I'll be keeping random things I want to write about until I force myself it organize it (which won't be until a long time).
Want to get an insight into only some thing redpenguiin? Take a loot at my about me!! if you wanna take a peek!
Wanna see how the site evolved over time? You might get that experience at the Devlog! It's missing the earliest updates of the site, sorry about that.
If you're really bored, come take a look at the 404 Page. Has an asset from Pizza Tower and is pretty funky fresh.
Current Happenstance
(4/10/24) Inspiration has struck, and I think I'm ready to work on this site obsessively for a week again. Layout's probably gonna change quite a bit, so stay tuned!
Perpetually under construction. Forever, probably. Stay tuned!

Last updated: 2/8/24 (Released Fun Zone article: Wikipedizer)