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Welcome to the Fun Zone!

Named after the "Fun Zone" option in Wilmot's Warehouse, this is a near-random assortment of thoughts. It will also one day be my bane if this website ever decides to expand into something bigger. But that day is not today!

For now, this is just a holding page for other pages of things or thoughts I wanna talk about. As of February 2024, this page is no thoughts page empty, but it's sure to fill up soon (and this sentence will become redundant).

I'll try my best to roughly sort this in what flavor of thing that that page leads to. Have fun exploring the ~Fun Zone~!

The Long Link List


VVVVVV, my all-time favorite game


Wikipedizer, a tool that automatically grabs the summary of a topic from Wikipedia

-=-=- [END OF LIST] -=-=-

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